Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Red River Flood Bill Voting SOON! Legislators Contact Info Here...

The bill could be up for a vote as early as next week!
Call your legislator!

Fargo Moorhead and Cass County have formed a coalition to create plans to protect area communities permanently from future floods. HB 1020 relates to the development of policies and procedures of the state water commission relating to the community water facility loan fund, the water-related topics overview committee and Fargo flood control project funding.

They need our help and support. The Red River has exceeded flood stage in 48 of the past 109 years including every year from 1993 through 2011. The coalition is planning a diversion channel and storage area around their communities.


Please see full text of the bill at:

Bill - HB 1020

For a list of legislators and their contact information, please go to:

Legislators Contact Info

 and coming out of committee later this week so contacts the legislators with your opinions!  Your opinions COUNT!

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